Here's what students can expect for Primary 5 Math for the month of February.
Topic taught in February is usually Fractions. Fraction is a very big topic and students started learning about Fractions since P2. Hence the foundation laid in P2-P4 has to be strong before starting on P5 Fractions.
The list below shows the new concepts taught in P5 for Fractions.
Division of Whole Numbers as Fractions
Converting Fractions to Decimals
Adding and Subtracting Mixed Numbers
Multiplying a Proper Fraction and a Whole Number
Multiplying an Improper Fraction and a Whole Number
Multiplying Two Proper Fractions
Multiplying a Proper Fraction and an Improper Fraction
Multiplying Two Improper Fractions
Multiplying a Mixed Number and a Whole Number
Fraction of a Remainder
Though calculators are allowed in P5, it is not always allowed. Hence students are still required to know the 4 operations of fractions.
Problem Solving is always an area where students need more practice and guidance. Hence, we have prepared 3 videos on the ‘remainder’ concept for parents to download and watch with their child.
What can you do to prepare them?
As problem solving in P5 is more challenging and involves heuristics, it is good for students to have constant practice on problem solving so that they are exposed to the various types and are also more familiar and confident in solving them.
*Take note and learn to identify the key words for each type of question.
What are the common mistakes made by P5 students?
For Division, Students have the tendency to use Big number ÷ Small number. However, it may not be the case.
For example:
Share 3 whole cakes equally among 5 children.
What fraction of a whole cake will each child get?

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